Textile Dye Garden


The Textile Dye Garden is an ongoing project at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY 

serving as a resource for sustainability education and a hub for collaboration and experimentation within the Pratt and surrounding communities.

Started in spring 2021 with generous support from The Hazel Siegel Textile Dye Garden Exploration Fund, the Textile Dye Garden serves as a resource for sustainability education as well as a counter balance to the virtual classroom experience.

Meticulously planned to produce plants and flowers prized for their use in natural dyeing, the garden is a hub for collaboration, education and experimentation. Throughout the year, faculty and students regularly document, harvest, and store dye matter for use in future events and projects.

The garden offers workshops to Pratt Institute and the surrounding community educating on the sustainable and integrative process of natural dyes. 

Recognizing the Indigenous knowledge these dyes are based on is central to the garden's identity, as is an acknowledgement that the garden is built on Lenapehoking territory.  

The Hazel Siegel Textile Dye Garden Exploration Fund honors Hazel Siegel, Visiting Assistant Professor of Interior Design at Pratt Institute. Siegel was a dedicated teacher who brought her considerable experience in textile design to the classroom.

We wish to thank her family for their generous support of this project. 


The garden is located in Cannoneer Court at the Pratt Institute Brooklyn campus. 


For general inquires or to get involved please contact prattdyegarden@gmail.com

Open Hours

We are pleased to offer open hours during the summer. Please check our Instagram for latest updates about updated open hours throughout the seasons.