
Coreopsis verticillata

Coreopsis in the garden

Coreopsis harvesting

Coreopsis, sometimes known as Tickseed, is native to the prairies and woodlands of North and Central America and Mexico. Coreopsis has a history of being used as an edible flower and in various teas to strengthen blood and regulate metabolism.

Sow seeds directly outside after last frost, or sow indoors 6 to 8 weeks before last frost. If sowing indoors, transfer outside when seedlings emerge in 2 to 3 weeks. Sow seeds 1/2 inch deep. Coreopsis needs full sun and damp soil.

When harvesting coreopsis, pick the flowers either in full bloom or as they begin to fade. Harvesting the flowers while the plant is still alive and healthy will cause even more flowers to bloom. Cut the plants back to encourage a second flowering. 

 Fabric should be mordanted before dyeing with coreopsis

The fresh or dried plants work well with bundle dyeing as well. 

Dye concentrate recipe:

7 grams dried coreopsis

24 ounces water 

Simmer mordanted fabric in dyestuff for 1 hour at 140° Fahrenheit. 

Let fabric soak in dye bath for 24 hours at room temperature, then strain and rinse.