
Dahlia pinnata

Dahlia in the garden

Dahlia drying in the dehydrator, sorted by color

Dried Yellow Dahlia

The Dahlia flower is native to Mexico where it remains as the National Flower. The Aztecs used the roots of dahlias  for medicinal properties and the flower was used as a symbol for the sun, worn by Moctezuma (Aztec Emperor). There are over 42 different species of dahlias and they appear in a wide range of colors.

Dahlia tubers can be sown directly well after danger of last frost (they are very sensitive to frost) or planted indoors 4 weeks prior to last frost. Space tubers 9 to 12 inches apart by digging a hole 6 to 8 inches deep. Place the tuber upright in the hole and cover with 2 to 3 inches of soil. Do not water tubers immediately after planting, as this can cause rot. Dahlias will bloom 8 weeks after planting, and require full sun and moist, well-draining soil. Dahlias may need additional support at the base of the plant to carry the weight of the flower. This can be done by mounding soil at the base or using stakes.

Dahlias can produce a wide range of color depending on the color of the flower, and even white dahlias will produce a color (light yellow). When harvesting, separate out the flowers by color for drying. It is suggested to harvest the dahlias in the cool morning for best results. The flower will come off easily from the stem of the plant if pulled from the base of the flower. These flowers are highly productive, so it is important to harvest often. 

These are dense flowers so it is important to keep them dry and cool once harvesting to prevent mold from growing from trapped in moisture in the center of the flower.

 Fabric should be mordanted before dyeing with dahlia. 

The fresh or dried plants work well with bundle dyeing as well. 

Dye concentrate recipe (red and purple mixture):

30 grams dried purple dahlia

5 grams dried red dahlia

40 ounces water 

Simmer mordanted fabric in dyestuff for 1 hour at 140° Fahrenheit. 

Let fabric soak in dye bath for 24 hours at room temperature, then strain and rinse.

Dye concentrate recipe (yellow):

34 grams dried yellow dahlia

58 ounces water 

Simmer mordanted fabric in dyestuff for 1 hour at 140° Fahrenheit. 

Let fabric soak in dye bath for 24 hours at room temperature, then strain and rinse.